Terms and Conditions of Use

This website, www.transformationweighcontrol.com (“TWC Site”) is operated by Transformation Weight Control LLC (“TWC”). TWC offers this website, including all information, tools, and services, conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies and notices stated here. By accessing and using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read this agreement entirely and carefully before using the TWC Site.


The TWC Site is not engaged in the practice of medicine. Any information and advice on this site is given on a generalized, generic basis, and is not specific to any individual person’s condition.

Use of this web site is helpful in making sure you are informed about the services provided by TWC. However, online information and our services are not the same as, or meant to be a replacement of, a health professional-patient relationship, and you should always consult with a professional for diagnosis and treatment of your specific health problems. You should not disregard any advice or treatment from such professionals based on your interpretation of what you may read on this Web site.

TWC’s Liability

TWC will not be liable to you for any damages you may incur resulting from your use of the Web site or any other Web sites whose links are on TWC. Your use of the Web site services, and third-party Web sites is solely at your own risk.

Online Conduct

You agree not to use this service for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this agreement. TWC reserves the right to deny access to any part of this service at its sole discretion. You are personally responsible for any material that you upload or send to us.

Intellectual Property

All trademark, logo or copyrighted material contained within these pages is the sole property of TWC. Any reproduction or redistribution of this material beyond personal use is prohibited without the express written consent of TWC’s Communications Department. Any reproduction of illustrations or photographs appearing on these pages beyond personal use is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from TWC’s Communications Department.


TWC makes links available to other internet sites that may have information of a general interest. We attempt to select third parties that are good sources of additional information and are reputable; however, TWC does not endorse them. Please note that your use of other Web sites is at your own risk.


TWC does not make any information gathered from this web site available to any other group, company, organization, or individuals. Any information gathered may be used solely by TWC as a means of communicating events and services provided through, or in cooperation with, TWC.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


If you have comments or suggestions regarding this information, please contact us at [email protected]

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