May 2024

Motivation? – Hogwash!

By Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDE Transformation Weight If you think you’re going to wake up one day and a wave of energy, commonly known as motivation, is going to wash over you and get you doing the activity you’ve been putting off, think again. And if something like that does happen, I’ll bet my […]

Motivation? – Hogwash! Read More »

The ABC’s of Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT Part 1 of 2

By Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDE Transformation Weight Control A Brief History of Psychological Treatment Therapies for Weight Loss and Preventing Regain I. PSYCHOANALYSISIn the early part of the 20th century the Freudians (that’s Sigmund in the image below) made an effort of solving the challenges of weight loss and  preventing regain). It turned out

The ABC’s of Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT Part 1 of 2 Read More »

The DEF’s of Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT Part 2 of 2

By Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDETransformation Weight I covered the first part of the ABCs of CBT in the blog, “The ABCs of Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT Part 1 of 2”. In a nutshell, you start with an activating event, you then have a belief about that event (often an irrational belief), and that

The DEF’s of Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT Part 2 of 2 Read More »

Methods of Assessing Health Risk and Body Fat using BMI, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, and Waist Circumference (anthropometric measurements)

by Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDEFounder and DirectorTransformation Weight See images at the end of the post which illustrate and clarify some of the content.  BMIA bit of background.The original BMI was created in the 1830’s by Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian astronomer, mathematician, statistician, and sociologist. He called it the Quetelet index and developed it

Methods of Assessing Health Risk and Body Fat using BMI, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, and Waist Circumference (anthropometric measurements) Read More »