Our Approach

Our approach to treating overweight and obesity as diseases and food addictions requiring chronic treatment aligns with the understanding of these conditions within the medical community. Recognizing the complex interplay of genetic, neurobiological, hormonal, environmental, and behavioral factors in weight control is crucial for providing effective care.

By utilizing research-based lifestyle change strategies, including nutrition, exercise, and behavior modification, our program addresses multiple facets of weight control. The structured nature of the program, with regular group meetings for extended periods, fosters a supportive environment essential for successful weight control.

Our emphasis on group camaraderie and support is particularly noteworthy, as it acknowledges the importance of social connections and accountability in achieving long-term success. Having multidisciplinary professionals such as registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, and behavior therapists leading these groups ensures that you receive comprehensive and personalized care.

Furthermore, the focus on both initial weight loss and long-term prevention of weight regain highlights a commitment to sustainable outcomes. Encouraging you to continue monitoring your nutrition plans, remaining active, and attending follow-up programs reinforces the importance of ongoing support and behavior modification in managing obesity as a chronic condition.

Overall, our program’s approach reflects a holistic understanding of obesity and provides you with the tools and support necessary to effectively control your weight and improve your overall health and well-being.

Our behavior intervention at Transformation is grounded in evidence-based practices such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT’s effectiveness in addressing various psychological issues, including losing weight and preventing regain, is well-documented. Its focus on identifying and modifying negative thought patterns and behaviors can be particularly valuable in helping you make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Incorporating other psychological models such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) demonstrates our comprehensive approach to addressing the complexities of behavior change. DBT’s emphasis on mindfulness and emotion regulation can assist you in managing stress and emotional eating, while ACT’s focus on accepting internal experiences and committing to valued actions aligns well with the long-term goals of weight control.

By combining these approaches, our intervention will provide you with a robust toolkit to address not only the physical aspects of losing weight and preventing regain, but also the psychological and emotional factors that often contribute to challenges in maintaining healthy habits. This holistic approach increases the likelihood of long-term success and prevents relapse by equipping you with the skills and strategies needed to navigate various obstacles that you will encounter on your journey towards better health.

We DO NOT want you to feel hungry, deprived, or restricted. Restriction always leads to excess calorie intake and body weight rebound. It is not sustainable. We recognize that everyone’s lives are different and that’s why we don’t give out standard 1500-calorie diets.  If those worked, no one would be here reading this nor would you need our program! Instead, we will teach you all the skills and information necessary to develop meal plans to fit your life (and your family if you live with others). 

People lose weight in our program by reducing calorie intake. We show you how to calculate how many calories you need to lose weight, calculate the proper amount of macronutrients you need (fat, carbs, and protein), how much fiber you need, how to count calories, use apps, mindful eating, flexible eating patterns (yes, you can go out for dinner!), staying hydrated, seeking support, and much, much more. We are certain that you’re going to learn things you’ve never heard before!

Remember that consistency and patience are key, and it’s okay to seek help and make adjustments along the way.

Physical activity and exercise is not immediately prioritized due to its limited impact on losing weight compared to dietary changes. Instead, our focus is on gradually incorporating physical activity and exercise into your regimen once you have established new eating habits and lost some weight.

Our approach makes sense from a behavioral standpoint. Introducing too many changes at once can overwhelm you and reduce your adherence to any program. By initially focusing on dietary changes and gradually incorporating physical activity and exercise later on, you can build momentum and confidence in your ability to make sustainable lifestyle changes. We call this “building self-efficacy”.

Starting with gentle lifestyle physical activities also aligns with the principle of meeting you where you are and gradually increasing intensity as your fitness levels improve. This will help prevent injuries and make the transition to more rigorous exercise routines smoother.

Overall, this approach prioritizes long-term success by focusing on sustainable behavior change rather than immediate results.

Historically, there have been instances where weight control medications were associated with safety issues, such as fen-phen, and they weren’t always as effective as desired.

Many of these medications target the brain to influence appetite and metabolism, but the brain can adapt over time, potentially reducing their effectiveness. Additionally, our program yielded success without relying on medications, with 92% of individuals successfully losing weight and more than two-thirds maintaining or losing more over a 6-year period.

Our approach suggested that a focus on lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and behavioral strategies, rather than pharmacological interventions, underscored the importance of sustainable, long-term solutions for weight management and that medications may not always have been the best option for everyone.

However, in 2022, a breakthrough arrived in the form of the safest and most effective weight control medications we’ve ever encountered, notably GLP-1 receptor agonists. Remarkably, some individuals in our program have shed over 100 pounds in less than a year, and prevented regain successfully. Rapid and substantial weight loss brings about a myriad of biological and psychological changes, from altered body image to transformed eating habits, diminished hunger, and even shifts in food-related thoughts and behaviors. Adjusting to these changes can be bewildering and challenging, particularly for those who’ve battled weight issues for years.

To support you through these transitions, we’ve created a Weight Loss Medication Support Group. Here, you’ll find not just understanding but empathy from peers who share similar experiences, and guidance from healthcare professionals armed with knowledge, experience, and compassion. Moreover, we address practical concerns like accessing medications, navigating insurance, and managing costs. Our program stands alone in its dedication to providing you with holistic support for medication-assisted weight control.

Above all, remember this: being overweight or having obesity is not a personal failing. It’s not  a lack of self-discipline, lack of willpower, or a character flaw. It’s a complex interplay of genetic, biological, hormonal, metabolic, psychological and environmental factors. With the advent of these medications, effective and safe relief is finally within reach. They provide the much-needed assistance to help you shed weight and prevent regaining. Yes, the medications work – a truly transformative realization.

Our comprehensive and patient-centered approach to healthcare recognizes that each of you have different preferences and needs when it comes to managing your weight. By offering education and resources for both medication and lifestyle-based strategies, we empower you to make informed decisions about your weight control journey.

Lifestyle modifications such as dietary improvements, regular physical activity, stress management, and adequate sleep not only support weight loss and preventing regain, but also promote overall health and well-being. Lifestyle changes alongside medication use is particularly beneficial, as it can lead to more sustainable long-term results. It acknowledges that successful weight control goes beyond simply taking medication and involves adopting healthy habits that contribute to long-term success.

Overall, our approach aligns with best practices in weight management, prioritizing not only weight loss and preventing regain, but also health, quality of life, and your autonomy. We believe our inclusive approach is likely to resonate with a diverse range of individuals seeking support in controlling their weight effectively.