Click HERE for days, dates, times, and fees.

Click HERE for detailed descriptions of our webinars and exercise class.
Webinars are for everyone, whether
you are enrolled in our program or not!

Click HERE to register for any of our webinars, groups, or classes.


  1. 26-week Lifestyle Change Weight Control Group

    This 75-minute weekly group is for anyone who has never been in any of our groups or for those of you who have participated in our groups before but would like a fresh start. This is a group for you if you would like to lose weight or prevent regaining weight you’ve lost. You are welcome to join whether or not you are taking weight loss medication. A clinical psychologist, registered dietitian, and exercise physiologist run the group.

  2. 12-week Weight Loss Medication Support Group

    This 75-minute weekly group is for individuals who are making the transition to weight loss medications or just considering taking one. The transition can be challenging as you experience improvement in appetite regulation; that is, you feel full, your food cravings and obsessing about food has stopped, you leave food on your plate, you experience less food noise in your head, you receive compliments about your appearance, body image changes, you struggle with what clothing to wear and shopping off-the-rack, contend with medication shortages, expense of the medications, insurance problems, side-effects, and so much more. These challenges can be bewildering; we created this support group to help you through all of the challenges, with professional staff and a community of peers who have been through it just like you and “get it”. Anyone can join this group, whether you are enrolled in the program or not. 

  3. 12-week Rainbow Follow-up Groups

    Consistent with the reality that having obesity and overweight is a chronic disease, and often an addiction for many, we offer long-term, chronic treatment for a chronic disease. Our Rainbow groups are 75-minute, 12-week sessions that we call “modules”, and they run continuously, one module after another. You are entitled to join Rainbow once you have completed one of our other groups. You have the option of renewing the modules consecutively for as long as you like, or take a break and return when you feel the need for a tune-up. Some individuals religiously renew for every module; some return for one module per year; others may take years off, only to return when they feel the need for a little extra help. We’re very proud of our Rainbow groups and how they have helped so many of our graduates.

  4. Conversations About Body Image with Dr. Megan Pietrucha

    During this body image series, you’ll have the opportunity to bring up and discuss the body image issues closest to your heart, touching on topics related to your early childhood trauma through adulthood, and any other topics related to body image that have affected you. Plus, each week there will be a topic that the group will focus on but you will have enough space to share how the topics resonate for you and your experience with your body. 

    All of this under the experienced, compassionate, and skillful eye of clinical psychologist Dr. Megan Pietrucha. Dr. Pietrucha is excellent at what she does, a true body image expert, evidenced by the fact that we started this series with one single-session webinar, then participants wanted another, which we accommodated, and then participants wanted more, so we ran a 5-week series, and yet still again there was a request for more, so we conducted a 4-week series. And now here we are starting another 5-week series. She has led discussions on topics ranging from body-positive mindset, self-compassion, negative body-talk, to body image across the lifespan, and anything else you can think of.

    This is a series for participants of all ages, and we are certain you will come away with more knowledge and insight about your body image, how to cope with it, and experience the catharsis that comes from revealing the body image trauma that you have been carrying around with you your entire life, perhaps in secret, perhaps for the first time. That’s what’s happened in all the preceding body image series. Rest assured you will be sharing your thoughts, feelings, and yes, secrets, with peers who get it, and an expert who will guide you empathetically and successfully.

    Dr. Pietrucha’s approach to body image can be summarized this way:
    “Reflecting on my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, I recognize the complex interplay between my body, food, and self-perception. Early awareness of my body was influenced by familial attitudes towards food and subtle societal messages. Negative experiences with doctors and peers, alongside participation in physical activity, shaped my relationship with my body and food. Adolescence brought heightened self-consciousness, impacted by societal standards and dating relationships. Now, as an adult, my perception of my body is nuanced, with moments of acceptance and struggle, intertwined with feelings of self-worth. This exercise has prompted a deeper understanding of these dynamics and a commitment to cultivating self-compassion, challenging negative thoughts, and practicing mindful eating habits to foster a healthier relationship with my body and food.”

Dr. Megan Pietrucha
Dr. Pietrucha is a licensed clinical psychologist. She graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Illinois Wesleyan University, an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Illinois School of Psychology/Argosy University, Chicago, and earned her doctorate (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology from the Illinois School of Psychology/Argosy University, Chicago.



Resistance Training at Home for Building Strength and Muscle, and Improving Your Health
with Certified Fitness Trainers Chris and Jamie Campagnola

Did you know that while you lose weight you can lose more than 30% of your weight from muscle? That means that your metabolism, physical strength, and endurance will all decline, especially as you age. It’s a guarantee that no one is building and preserving muscle and strength as they age if they are sedentary. You may have already noticed your strength in decline. Do you have trouble lifting items that used to be easy? Are activities of daily living such as walking down the street, climbing stairs, carrying packages, or just getting out of a chair or off the sofa harder than it used to be? How about getting down and up off the floor? Or are you dependent on others to do the heavy work for you? Are you having trouble with balance, falling, or your posture? Have you been told you have low bone density (osteoporosis or osteopenia)? Do you have a chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or arthritis?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then resistance training will help.

Join Chris Campagnola, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with more than 30 years of fitness training experience, and his wife Jamie Campagnola, certified personal trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine), for a 45-minute resistance exercise class online (Zoom) using exercise tubing, bands, and even just your body weight. This class is okay for beginners and seasoned resistance exercisers as well!

It’s never too late for anyone to start, nor learn new exercises and training regimens, no matter your age, ability, or current fitness level!

Exercise tubing and bands are very effective at building muscle and strength. You can use them at home without the clutter of lots of dumbbells, you can store them away in a closet, and they won’t damage your floors, or your toes, if you drop them! Chris and Jamie will be teaching you how to use the tubing and bands, as well as exercises just using your own body weight, in this 45-minute exercise class. If you don’t have exercise tubing or bands but want to purchase them, we recommend that you purchase the following:

Black Mountain Products New Strong Man Set of 6 Resistance Bands. Model name: BMP; Part number: 728028012255


If you’d like to work your lower extremities (hips, buttocks, and legs), we recommend:

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands. Model name: FBA_XCEX-01; Part Number: XCEX-01


Chris is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and has been a personal trainer for 30 years. He’s worked with individuals and groups, with populations ranging from young and fit to older adults with neuromuscular and skeletal conditions. Chris develops an excellent rapport with his clients and has the ability to tune in to any physical limitations one may be experiencing and modify the exercises accordingly. You’ll feel safe and well taken care of with Chris as your exercise leader.

Jamie is an NASM certified personal trainer and health coach. She specializes in virtual group training with a focus on individuals who are new to exercise. Her gentle approach makes her clients feel very welcome and at ease incorporating the habit of exercising into their weekly schedule. She is excellent at understanding what makes one feel good through movement.

To read about resistance exercise, check out these articles by Rich Weil: