Fees and Insurance

  1. 12-week Weight Control Medication Support Groups: $45 per session.
  2. 26-Week Traditional Lifestyle Change Weight Control Group (losing weight and prevention of regain): $50 per session.
  3. 12-week Follow-up Rainbow Group Sessions: $45 per session.
  4. Webinars: $10
  5. Exercise classes: $10

Payment and Policies


You must pay for all group sessions even if you do not attend.  Payment for group sessions is to be made monthly based on the number of sessions conducted in that month. For example, if your group meets on Mondays and there are four Mondays in the month, then your payment would be for four sessions; likewise, if there are three or five Mondays in the month, then your payment would be for three or five sessions, respectively.)


We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, or flex


We do not accept insurance; however, your insurance provider may pay for your treatment once you submit your invoice to them. If they reimburse you, they must send the payment directly to you. Please be sure they do. We do not accept payment from insurance providers.


You are financially responsible for all sessions, even if you miss a session. Major holidays  for us are a day off (New Year’s Day, Memorial and Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Yom Kippur). You will not be charged if your group falls on one of these holidays, and we extend your session by the number of groups missed for major holidays. Other religious holidays are not a day off.


Your commitment is for the entire session. Should you decide to withdraw before the group is complete, you will not be permitted to return to the program. We do not do this to be punitive. We do this because there will be times when you feel like dropping out (people feel that way occasionally with weight loss efforts – maybe you have too). We created this rule to help you stick with it. Over the years, participants have told us they felt like quitting but realized we were serious about treatment, and they thought twice about the consequences. Some even thanked us.

We also find it very disruptive to have people coming and going. It’s hard for staff to get to know you and build on the curriculum if this happens, and it interferes with the sense of peer camaraderie and support that we create in all of our groups, which is critical for successful weight control.