Click HERE for times, days, dates, and fees.

Click HERE to register for any of our webinars, groups, or classes.

Webinars are for everyone, whether you
are enrolled in our program or not! Join us!



Because we have recruited very busy and accomplished professionals as speakers, all of whom have busy schedules, I thought it right that we respect their time. Therefore, registration and payment must be completed at least one week prior to the start date of all webinars and the exercise class. If we do not have 8 participants registered and paid by the deadline, the event will be canceled, and money already paid will be refunded.

Our Webinars and Exercise Class:

Look, Feel, and Dress Your Best – A Wardrobe Journey
with Stylist Carol Davidson

A decade ago an image consultant and personal shopper visited our program to speak about the details of selecting the right clothing to meet your needs. It was a big success, and so we are repeating it again. This time we are delighted to be working with New York City-based image consultant Carol Davidson.

Carol has close to 25 years in the business. She taught for 20 years at the world-renowned Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, is a Certified Image Consultant, and a member of the Association of Image Consultants International. She just so happens to be a certified life coach as well! Carol has been featured in InStyle, Real Simple, GQ, Women’s Day, FT, The Wall Street Journal, and more.

Carol brings a wealth of knowledge about styles and brands, where to shop, and body style, all while working within your budget. Her focus is on how to make a shopping experience less overwhelming, and more efficient and joyful. You’ll not only learn how to look and dress your best but also improve your self-image in the process.

Carol will discuss 1) the science of style and 2) the art of customizing that science to match your unique physicality, personality, goals, preferences, and lifestyle. You can expect her to debunk some common wardrobe myths, as well as share tips on color, fabric, proportion, and style. You’ll come away with tangible tools to dress where you are now on your weight loss journey, while you are losing weight, and when you have reached your weight goal.

You make a decision every day about what to wear. Why not feel empowered by your choices? Once and for all, learn how to select clothing that fits and flatters, that you feel good about, and that you enjoy wearing.

Join Carol and come away with invaluable tools that will help you enhance your physique, curate your closet, and boost your confidence! Learn more about Carol here:

Carol Davidson, Certified Image Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Educator

Healthy-Food Cooking Demonstration
with Michelle Hyman, MS, RD, CDN, CSOWM, CDCES 

We’re pleased to offer for the first time in the history of our program a healthy cooking demonstration with a health-care professional who not only is a fabulous cook, but is a health-care expert with excellent credentials who can show you how easy it can be to prepare healthy foods at home. Not only that, but Michelle can explain the science behind the health benefits of the ingredients and recipes she uses, and answer with authority any food-related questions about healthy foods you can think of to use for yourself. We’re looking forward to a delicious webinar! Join us!
Michelle Hyman, MS, RD, CDN, CSOWM, CDCES
Michelle received her Master of Science in Nutrition from LIU Post, is a Registered Dietitian (RD), Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management (CSOWM), and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES).  She received her Master of Science in Nutrition from LIU Post. She has over a decade of experience in the outpatient setting providing care individually and in groups.  Her passion is working with clients to develop sustainable eating habits, lose weight, and improve their relationship with food.  In her free time, she enjoys cooking, reformer Pilates, and playing volleyball.

The Challenges and Solutions for Parents to
Prevent and Manage Body Weight in Children
with Dr. Kathleen Keller

As all of us know, there is an epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States and it is a significant challenge for parents to manage with a great deal of health and psychological problems at stake. As well-intentioned and concerned as parents are about the health of our children, most parents are at a loss as to how to prevent our children from developing weight and eating related issues. Resources for this problem, including advice from
doctors and other health-care professionals, is limited.

We are pleased to have Dr. Kathleen Keller, a world-renowned researcher into the causes and treatment of childhood obesity, present this webinar. Dr. Keller is Director of the Children’s Eating Behavior Laboratory at the esteemed  Pennsylvania State University Department of Nutritional Sciences. Penn State is well known as one of the world’s premier research institutions investigating the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity.
During this webinar Dr. Keller will review the problems of childhood obesity and present information on how to
foster healthy appetites and eating behaviors in young children. There will be time for questions during this

This webinar is a rare opportunity for parents and others to meet, listen to, and interact with one of the world’s experts in childhood eating behaviors as she shares her considerable research, insights, and strategies for preventing and managing childhood obesity. It’s a unique chance that you may not have access to again anytime soon. Please join us!

Kathleen L. Keller, PhD
Professor and Helen A. Guthrie Chair in Nutritional Sciences
Professor, Department of Food Science
Social Science Research Institute Co-fund
Clinical Translational Science Institute Hub Research Capacity Core Leader
Director of the Metabolic Kitchen and Children’s Eating Behavior Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Keller received her B.S. degree in biology from Marquette University in 1995 and her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Rutgers University in 2002. She completed a 3-year post-doctoral fellowship in pediatric obesity at the New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center. She went on to work as an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University from 2005-2011. In 2012, she moved to Penn State as part of a cluster hire with the Social Science Research Institute, the Department of Nutritional Sciences, and the Department of Food Science. At Penn State, she is the Director of the Children’s Eating Behavior Laboratory, a research facility dedicated to understanding the biobehavioral drivers of eating behaviors in children. Her research in the development of childhood eating behaviors has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the United States Department of Agriculture, and both industry and foundations. She also teaches courses in childhood weight management and eating and weight disorders. Her approach in working with families is to provide evidence-based advice on child feeding that promotes healthy body image teaches
children healthy appetite regulation.

Resistance Training at Home for Building
Strength and Muscle, and Improve Your Health
with Certified Fitness Trainers Chris and Jamie Campagnola

Did you know that while you lose weight you can lose more than 30% of your weight from muscle? That means that your metabolism, and physical strength and endurance, will all decline, and especially so as you age. It’s a guarantee that no one is building and preserving muscle and strength as they age if they are sedentary. You may have already noticed your strength in decline. Do you have trouble lifting items that used to be easy? Are activities of daily living such as walking down the street, climbing stairs, carrying packages, or just getting out of a chair or off the sofa harder than it used to be? How about getting down and up off the floor? Or dependent on others to do the heavy work for you? Are you having trouble with balance, falling, or your posture? Have you been told you have low bone density (osteoporosis or osteopenia)? Do you have a chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or arthritis?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then resistance training will help.

Join Chris Campagnola, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with more than 30 years of fitness training experience, and his wife Jamie Campagnola, certified personal trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine), for a 45-minute resistance exercise class online (Zoom) using exercise tubing, bands, and even just your body weight. This class is okay for beginners and seasoned resistance exercisers as well!

It’s never too late for anyone to start, nor learn new exercises and training regimens, no matter your age, ability, or current fitness level!

Exercise tubing and bands are very effective at building muscle and strength. You can use them at home without the clutter of lots of dumbbells, you can store them away in a closet, and they won’t damage your floors, or your toes, if you drop them! Chris and Jamie will be teaching you how to use the tubing and bands, as well as exercises just using your own body weight, in this 45-minute exercise class. If you don’t have exercise tubing or bands but want to purchase them, we recommend that you purchase the following:
On Amazon:
1) Black Mountain Products New Strong Man Set of 6 Resistance Bands. Model name: BMP; Part number: ‎728028012255

2) If you’d like to work your lower extremities (hips, buttocks, and legs), we recommend: Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands. Model name: FBA_XCEX-01; Part Number: XCEX-01 on Amazon:

Chris is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and has been a personal trainer for 30 years. He’s worked with individuals and groups, with populations ranging from young and fit to older adults with neuromuscular and skeletal conditions. Chris develops an excellent rapport with his clients, and has the ability to tune in to any physical limitations one may be experiencing and modify the exercises accordingly. You’ll feel safe and well taken care of with Chris as your exercise leader.

Jamie is an NASM certified personal trainer and health coach.  She specializes in virtual group training with a focus on individuals who are new to exercise.  Her gentle approach makes her clients feel very welcome and at ease incorporating the HABIT of exercising into their weekly schedule.  She is excellent at understanding what makes one feel good through movement.

For further reading check out resistance exercise articles by Rich Weil!

Core Energetics and Trauma Release Therapy
Exercise for Managing the Challenges of Body Weight
with Leigh Ann Cobb

Core Energetics therapy (CE) combines elements of physical or body-centered movement, psychotherapy, and spiritual development. It will help you identify the psychological and physical body patterns that you have developed as survival mechanisms to shield you from the pain of trauma and stigma related to your body weight, going back as far as childhood. With CE in this webinar, you will begin to learn how to unlock the suppressed emotions you hold on to physically and emotionally related to your weight-related trauma and stigma.

CE uses active techniques such as expressive movements, breathwork, and physical exercises to help release your stored, weight-related emotional and physical tension. Releasing this emotional and physical tension will lead to a more enriched, rewarding, satisfying, wholesome, empowered and fulfilled life.

As the name of our program suggests, CE will support your personal transformation to connect you with your true self, overcoming the limiting beliefs and patterns related to the challenges of your body weight that you have carried with you for most, or all of your life. CE offers a holistic approach to addressing the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit in the healing and transformation process.

We’re pleased to announce that Leigh Ann Cobb, an Advanced Certified Core Energetics Practitioner and Certified Provider of Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®), will be leading this webinar. Leigh Ann is a skilled and very experienced practitioner who has helped countless individuals shed trauma, pain, and suffering from a wide variety of psychological disturbances. In this webinar, Leigh Ann will use her considerable skills, using CE techniques, to help you learn how to manage the pain, trauma, and suffering you have all experienced for most, or all of your life, from the challenges of dealing with your body weight. We’re looking forward to this novel and progressive approach to helping you improve and enrich your life!
Leigh Ann Cobb
ACCEP (Advanced Certified Core Energetics Practitioner)
Certified Provider of Trauma Release Exercise (TRE®)

Leigh Ann is an Advanced Certified Core Energetics Practitioner based in San Marcos, Texas. She completed her 4-year practitioner certification and postgraduate year at the New York Institute of Core Energetics. Leigh Ann is also a Certified Provider of Trauma Release Exercise®. In 2020, she led a trauma workshop series for the New York Open Center.

Family Dynamics and Communication Skills for Weight Control
with Dr. Megan Pietrucha

Family dynamics and communication can take its toll on managing body weight at home. It’s not uncommon for us to hear stories about sabotage by a spouse or partner, not knowing how to figure out and communicate to your spouse or partner how you would like them to help you and when, a home managing food with children and a spouse, helping your spouse or partner understand the challenges you’re faced with, learning how to be assertive and asking for what you want, helping to educate your spouse or partner about the challenges and what to do about it, and how to get your needs across without it feeling like everyone has to bend backwards to meet your needs. Many spouses and partners want to help, they just don’t know how.

Let our clinical psychologist, Dr. Megan Pietrucha, help you navigate these challenges with concrete skills to smooth things over. We are certain that the challenges at home can be a real impediment to successful weight loss and prevention of regain. We’d like to help you conquer those challenges in healthy and productive ways so that everyone feels like their needs are being met. Dr. Pietrucha will teach you how to do that in this webinar.
About Dr. Pietrucha
Dr. Pietrucha is a licensed clinical psychologist. She graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Illinois Wesleyan University, an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Illinois School of Psychology/Argosy University, Chicago, and earned her doctorate (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology from the Illinois School of Psychology/Argosy University, Chicago.

Dr. Pietrucha has worked with clients to help improve their health, well-being, and performance for more than 10 years. She has worked with everyone from high school students, professional athletes, artists, and CEOs. As a former collegiate athlete, she understands what it takes to remain focused and dedicated to whatever endeavor you are working to succeed in. She is certified in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is a long-standing member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, a field of study that translates very well to the challenges of losing weight such as resilience, determination, patience, focus, and more. She brings a great deal of compassion and empathy to her work, and it is a pleasure to have had her running groups and developing curriculum with Transformation Weight Control since its inception in March 2024. She is responsible for the creation and success of our body image series.

Art Therapy and Managing Body Weight
with Dana Fair LCAT, ATR, LMSW

Our presenter is Licensed Creative Art Therapist Dana Fair. She has been practicing art therapy for 15 years.

Participating in art therapy doesn’t necessarily mean that you must be out of touch with your thoughts or feelings or experiences. Rather, it might provide a new visual perspective and solution on a problem you’ve been struggling with. For instance, during my first conversation with Dana (Rich’s conversation), I brought up the issue of impediments to progress; impediments being a very real sticking point for effective behavior change, especially losing weight or prevention of weight regain. As I thought about impediments, I imagined drawing a tall brick wall that was insurmountable and blocking my progress. I then imagined drawing a shorter brick wall that I could climb over which brought a new perspective on ideas for how to unblock my lack of progress. We discussed other metaphors that we could incorporate to the image for how to overcome the brick wall such as drawing a ladder to climb over it, and dialoguing with the brick wall to change our relationship to it.
Dana Fair, LCAT, ATR,  LMSW
Dana is a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (LCAT), a Licensed Masters of Social Work (LMSW), a nationally registered Art Therapist (ATR) and is a Certified Complex Trauma Professional (CCTP). She has completed certification training in Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems. She has been a practicing art therapist for 15 years, and is a senior art therapist at New York Creative Arts Therapists in New York City and the Hudson Valley. She has worked as a trauma therapist with children, families, and NYC case workers to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue, and has extensive experience working with adults and teens at an outpatient mental health agency, dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, family related issues, and other life stressors. Dana donates 2% of her annual income to to support climate action.

The Greatest Weight Loss Myths of All Time!

with Rich Weil, M.Ed., CDE, Founder and Director of Transformation Weight Control

It’s fair to say that in my 44-year career I’ve pretty much heard everything there is to say about weight loss, truth and fiction alike. In this webinar I’m digging deep to think of the myths I have heard the most of after all these years and not only will I identify them, but I will explain the science to you as to why they are myths.

I don’t know if I’ll have time to get to everyone’s myths, but if you have a question and not sure if it’s truth or myth and would like me to explain, I will do my best to answer everyone’s question. Just email it to me ahead of time at [email protected] I hope to see you!
Rich Weil, M.Ed., CDE
Rich is an exercise physiologist, certified diabetes educator, and founder and director of Transformation Weight Control. In his 44-year career as a clinician and researcher, he has worked at virtually every major hospital-based weight loss program and diabetes clinic in New York City. He has given talks all over the country to health-care professionals and the general population about weight loss, diabetes, exercise, and health, has written dozens of articles on these topics, and has appeared in the media countless times. He has run thousands of weight loss groups in his career, and in this webinar, he will share his insights and knowledge about many of the weight loss myths he has heard over all that time. Rich frequently says the number one fear in the country is speaking in public; he says he has a fear of NOT speaking in public! Join him for an enlightening, exciting, and fun webinar!