by Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDE
Founder and Director
Transformation Weight Control
Here’s what it looks like!
This brain scan shows how excited the brain gets at the sight of fatty food. All that bright red in the scan on the right panel, that’s your brain lighting up at the sight of fatty food! Seem familiar? Feel familiar? Like the caption says, “You’re not imagining it!”
A quick bit of simple science. Your brain lights up like that because during these extraordinary and irresistible moments, blood and oxygen flow to the brain increases, and glucose levels in the brain rise too. These physiological changes inside your head cause hyper-excitability in the brain’s pleasure regions, facilitated by an over-active and over-sensitive reward pathway and over production of dopamine.
I must repeat. We tell you all about this because we do not think for even an instant that any of this is your fault. You didn’t choose to have trouble with your weight, or the effect that food has on your brain. No one does that. No one.
Join us! Our approach is that THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. We cover strategies for beating your brain on food, and so much more. We’re behind you 110% and are going to do whatever we can to help!
For one approach to managing the “brain on food” phenomenon, read my blog “Taking Control Over Food Triggers: Rich’s Tapping Experiment for Better Control”.
For further reading, see my blogs, “The Reward Pathway” and “Dopamine Receptors and The Association with Food Addiction That Leads to Weight Gain”.
© Richard Weil, M.Ed., CDE, 2024 All Rights Reserved